Andres Lafone

Bass guitar

Andres Lafone is a bass guitarist from Uruguay who has lived in the UK for many years.

He studied bass guitar, composition, guitar and double bass at the Guildhall School of Music and has worked with Airto Moreira, Snowboy, Da Lata, Mike Lindup (Level 42), Nana Vasconcelos, Charlie Palmieri, Roberto Pla, Negrocan, and many others.

Andres has recorded over 30 albums, appeared at all the major jazz and world music festivals in Europe, and performed throughout the world in China, Japan, USA, Latin America, and South Africa.

He has also produced seven albums, and achieved international success when his compositions Cada Vez and Aquela Esquina charted in Spain and Italy.

Andres has composed soundtracks for plays including Maybe Tomorrow by Kazzum Arts at Barking’s Broadway Theatre, and El Pan De Maria by Tierra Theatre.

Andres has played bass on two Grand Union albums: If Paradise (2011) and Undream’d Shores (2015).